
Composers Concordance Generations XIII

New Music for
Mezzo Soprano and Guitar
Performed by Bowers-Fader Duo
Featuring the Winners of the
Generations XIII Composition Competition:
Tianyi Zhao and Paul Salerni
Natasha Bogojevich, Victoria Bond,
Dan Cooper, Shanan Estreicher,
Mark Kostabi, Eugene W. McBride,
Gene Pritsker, Faye-Ellen Silverman,
Roger Tréfousse
Bowers-Fader Duo:
Jessica Bowers - mezzo soprano
Oren Fader - guitar
"Each generation imagines itself to be more intelligent than the one that went before it, and
wiser than the one that comes after it." - George Orwell
For Immediate Release - New York, NY - On December 16th at 7pm, Composers Concordance
presents Generations XIII, the 13th-annual concert featuring the winners of the Generations
Composition Competition, with categories for composers 25 or younger, as well as composers 65 or
older. This year's winners are Tianyi Zhao (Category A) for his composition Wen ge qi wu, and Paul
Salerni (Category B) for his composition Repentance.
The winning works will be performed by Bowers-Fader Duo: Jessica Bowers - mezzo soprano, and
Oren Fader - guitar, on a wide-ranging program including compositions by Natasha Bogojevich,
Victoria Bond, Dan Cooper, Shanan Estreicher, Mark Kostabi, Eugene W. McBride, Gene Pritsker,
Faye-Ellen Silverman, and Roger Tréfousse
Of the Bowers Fader Duo, The American Record guide has stated 'The deep oak of Jessica Bowers'
lower range and the lush honey of her higher range mix well with the steady and sensitive guitar
playing of Oren Fader.' In Opera News, "Mezzo-soprano Jessica Bowers and guitarist Oren Fader
are to be commended just for helping to expand the art-song catalogue...reminding listeners of the
genre's innate power as a vehicle for storytelling."
Generations XIII will be live streamed on Composers Concordance's Facebook page

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