
Orion Tango Listening Party this Sunday

Join 1k Recordings along with Orion Tango featuring Jeremy Carlstedt, Barry Meehan, Tim Motzer and mix engineer Brian Boland to listen to the music from their latest album: 'The Crossing' in its entirety. OT will chat about the making of this record, and other aspects of our process of recording. We look forward to this listening experience with you! Come hang with us!

Tim Motzer - guitars, bass, electronics
Barry Meehan - bass, electronics
Jeremy Carlstedt - drums, OP-1, turntable

Orion Tango's The Crossing is a widely exploratory electronic-leaning set of new music on Orion Tango - The Crossing with two trio improvisations—'The Pursuit Of Now' & 'Another Jog' plus a few solo/duo departures: 'Radio: Oscillation' by Jeremy exploring musique concrète based techniques, and 'The Crossing' a subterranean ambient duo featuring Tim & Barry. 'Lullaby For Lily' is a bell-like solo guitar & electronics piece by Tim. Perhaps the imaginary other side of this album is highlighted by the further studio experiments and orchestral-like re-contexturalizations resulting in 'Lufoli', 'Raos', 'Anjo' and 'Tpon'. Recorded at 1k in Philadelphia during "The In Between' sessions.

Orion Tango discography
Orion Tango (1k028)
The Apple of No (1k033)
The In Between (1k055)
The Crossing (1k062)

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