
Just unearthed! 1991 recording of Mike Wofford & Bill Mays ‘live’ at The Jazz Bakery

Just unearthed! 1991 recording of Mike Wofford & Bill Mays 'live' at The Jazz Bakery Bill Mays states, "An early influence in my development as a pianist was the great Mike Wofford. I first heard Mike's trio when I was in the Navy in San Diego. I continued listening to him through the release of his fantastic first LP "Strawberry Wine, " subsequent solo and trio albums, his work with Shelly Manne, Shorty Rogers, Bud Shank and others on the L.A. jazz scene. Mike's voice was unique, clear, honest and inspirational to me then and has remained so down through the decades. Some 30 years ago Mike and I found ourselves seated at two grand pianos at the Jazz Bakery in L.A. and, although we'd both forgotten it, the one-nighter was recorded. Through a fluke I recently came upon the DAT recording and thankfully it was still viable. The music was transferred to digital format and. we were happy enough with the musical results that we decided you might enjoy it as well. Thanks to Ruth Price at The Jazz Bakery, Will Thornberry for recording it, Kent Heckman at Red Rock. Recording for successful digital transfers, fans who support(ed) us, and all the pianists who have inspired Woff and me.

This is not a commercial venture on our part—we're taking no money for it. However, with so many of our musical comrades in dire straits due to the pandemic we suggest that if you like the music and feel so inclined you might consider expressing your appreciation by making a donation to the Musicians emergency relief fund."

Monk's Dream (T. Monk)
502 Blues (J. Rowles)
How About You? (G. Gershwin)
Rose Of The Rio Grande (H. Warren)
Black Beauty/Chelsea Bridge (D. Ellington/B. Strayhorn)
Too Marvelous for Words (R. Whiting)
Melissa (M. Wofford)
Cheryl/Relaxin' At Camarillo (C. Parker)

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