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| Tale Ognenovski Will Celebrate The 90th Anniversary Of His Birthday, April 27, 2012 With New CD Tale Ognenovski, internationally renowned jazz, folk dance and classical clarinetist and composer was born in the village of Brusnik near Bitola in the Republic of Macedonia on April 27, 1922. On October 1, 2012, Tale Ognenovski, will release new CD Album entitled: "Pelistersko Oro Tale Ognenovski Album No. 1, Macedonian Fok Dances and Clarinet Jazz" to celebrate the 90th anniversary of his birthday. Label: Independent Records, USA. Tale Ognenovski is known across the globe for his virtuosic performances. New CD Album feature the Ognenovski performing with his son Stevan Ognenovski on drum. CD Album includes 9 compositions from the genre "Macedonian folk dances" and 3 compositions from the music genre "Macedonian Clarinet Jazz". CD Album will be available on October 1, 2012, through digital partners of The Orchard, the world's leading digital distributor of music. The Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Macedonia makes the publishing of this CD album possible with their financial support. Tale Ognenovski is a Macedonian multi-instrumentalist: clarinet, reed pipe (recorder), tin whistle, small bagpipe, zourla (zurla) and drum, composer and bandleader. He made the connection between Oriental and Western Music. He has composed and arranged 150 Macedonian folk dances, one classical concert "Tale Ognenovski Concert for Clarinet No. 1", and 12 jazz compositions. Some of his compositions have been recorded on 11 LPs, 11 cassettes, 10 gramophone records, 3 CD Albums and one videotape (Radio Television Belgrade, Serbia; Jugoton Zagreb, Croatia; Macedonian Radio Television and Independent Records, US). Tale Ognenovski released his first CD Album entitled "Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music" in 2001, second CD Album entitled "MOZART and OGNENOVSKI Clarinet Concertos" in 2006 and third CD Album entitled "Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed by Tale Ognenovski" in 2008. Tale Ognenovski with Macedonian Ensemble 'Tanec's performed on one of the most popular television programmes in the United States, the Ford Foundation TV Programme "OMNIBUS", on January 22, 1956. This programme was seen by millions of Americans. This TV debut of 'Tanec' on CBS (Columbia Broadcasting System) Television Network, one of the largest radio and television broadcasting companies in the United States, created great interest in all 65 concerts in many towns throughout the United States. http://lccn.loc.gov/88705799 Legendary artist Tale Ognenovski performed as clarinet and reed pipe soloist folk dances in the world-famous Carnegie Hall, a symbol of artistic excellence on January 27, 1956. There, he bewitched the audience with his performances as clarinet and reed pipe virtuoso soloist. Tale Ognenovski played as virtuoso clarinet and reed pipe (recorder) soloist for most parts of the programme, including the Macedonian folk dances "Bride's Dance" ("Nevestinsko Oro"), "Chupurlika", "Sopska Poskocica" ("Shopska Podripnuvachka"), "Kopachka", "Shepherd's Dance" ("Ovcharsko Oro"), "Soborski Igri", Macedonian songs, Serbian folk dances and songs and "Shote", an Albanian folk dance. The New York Times for Ognenovski's performances as clarinet and reed pipe (recorder) instrumental soloist at Carnegie Hall, New York City on January 27, 1956 with Macedonian Ensemble "Tanec" wrote: "tremendous skill", "brilliantly spectacular and wonderfully unfamiliar dances", "great individuality", "incredible phrases", "raucous and unforgettable pipe", …, Article entitled "Ballet: Yugoslav Folk Art; 'Tanec' Dancers Appear at Carnegie Hall in Display of Tremendous Skill"…, written by music critic John Martin (January 28, 1956), and "amazing variety to the dances", "thousand different shades of dynamics", "conscious virtuosity", "the broken circles of the kolo of the Macedonian mountains", "dateless reed pipe", …, Article entitled "THE DANCE: FOLK ART; Group From Yugoslavia In Impressive Debut Learning vs. Magic No Macedonian Monopoly The Week's Events", written by music critic John Martin, The New York Times. (February 5, 1956). These musical terms written in these articles are the most brilliant musical expressions written for performance by an instrumental soloist (with orchestra) in Carnegie Hall in New York published in The New York Times from 1891 until now. The great contribution of Tale Ognenovski for tremendous success of Ensemble "Tanec" at North America tour can be seen in the published articles in major North American newspapers: "Venerable Carnegie Hall fairly vibrated as the audience blistered its palms in appreciation..." - By Robert Coleman, New York Daily Mirror, January 28, 1956. "Last night this Yugoslav National Folk Ballet preluded a transcontinental tour at Carnegie Hall" "none of them won a more enthusiastic reception than the Yugoslav National Folk Ballet - By William Hawkins, New York World Telegram, January 28, 1956. "An audience which jammed Carnegie to capacity (the house had been sold out by last Monday) cheered and applauded the folk dancing, " "as if it had been witnessing classical, theatrical ballet at its most glittering...." Article: "Yugoslav Folk Ballet, " By Walter Terry, New York Herald Tribune., January 28, 1956. "The capacity audience at Carnegie Hall on January 27 for the single New York performance of Tanec, the Yugoslav National Folk Ballet, enjoyed a fascinating cross-section of over 2000 years of human history and culture. Tanec is a Macedonian group..." Article: "REVIEWS OF Yugoslav National Folk Ballet Carnegie Hall January 27, 1956", Dance observer: Volumes 23- 24, April, 1956. "Colorful Addition to International Dance, " "IF IT EVER COMES to an all out global brawl, I want the Yugoslavs on my side, " "Called Tanec, which is the Macedonian word for dance, this group of 37 dancers, singers and musicians is a kaleidoscope of the Balkans, " "When five of them dance the "Sopska Poskocica, " which apparently just means they are showing off to the girls. I would keep them any day as a unfair trade for the four little swans in "Swan Lake"... Article: "On the Aisle - Yugoslav Ballet a Colorful Addition to International Dance " - By Claudia Cassidy, Chicago Daily Tribune,, February 6, 1956. "there was a remarkable precision in both dancing and playing, " "Clarinet, bass fiddle, violin, drums, guitar and flute provided most of the accompaniments in various combinations" ... Article: "Yugoslav Ballet Visits Academy", By Samuel Singer, The Philadelphia Inquirer, February 8, 1956. "A Sopska Poskocica is devised to show, " "wonderful and brilliant and exciting and sensational" "tremendous energy and precision, " "is unique and demanded a repetition, " "If you see "Tanec" which simply means "Dance" advertised again, you won't want to miss it" ... " Article: "Yugoslav Dancers Shoot the Works" - By Paul Hume, The Washington Post and Times Herald, Washington, D.C.,, February 10, 1956. "The first impression, however, must be one of rhythmic precision, " "Nor was the performance without spectacle, " "in the case of one dance, Sopska Poskocica it was no more than a show-off dance. As such it was highly effective" ... Article: "Music in Toronto"- By John Kraglund, The Globe and Mail (Toronto, Canada), February 14, 1956. "FRESH AS A BREATH of mountain air comes Tanec, the Yugoslav National Folk Ballet, now on its first American tour, " "Tanec means dance including drama, song, and music" ... - Article: " Yugoslav National Folk Ballet 'A Breath of Mountain Air'" - By Margaret Lloyd Dance Critic of Christian Science Monitor, Boston, Mass., March 2, 1956. "and never more so than in a number titled simply "Macedonian Tune, " which in its intricate rhythms and plaintive melody should at least make Dave Brubeck send out an emergency call for Darius Milhaud" ... Article: "Yugoslav Ballet Proves Folk Dancing 'Tricky'" - By R. H. Hagan, San Francisco Chronicle, March 8, 1956. "The Yugoslav National Folk Ballet known at home as Tanec excited a large audience, " "For authentic folk dancing, wild and free and yet subject to its own intricate disciplines, this group would be hard to beat, " "with superb vitality and style, " "They are accompanied by a group of musicians consisting of a violinist, guitar and accordion players, a flutist, a clarinetist and double bass, though drums of different types are frequently involved, as well as a shepherd's reed pipe" ... Article: "Yugoslav Folk Ballet Opens Engagement" - By Albert Goldberg, Los Angeles Times, , March 13, 1956. "A hundred years ago on the rugged roads of Macedonia, bands of brigands used to plunder the caravans of rich merchants and, like Robin Hood, pass on some of their spoils to the poor... the Yugoslav National Folk Ballet which this spring is making a first, and highly successful, tour of the U.S...Together they make as vigorous a display of dancing as the U.S. has ever seen..." Article: " BOUNCING BRIGANDS Yugoslavs come to U.S" - By Life (magazine), April 9, 1956 (pp 173) So brilliant commentaries written by the most prominent music critics and published in the elite newspapers and magazines in North America are not written for any ensemble or an artist in any musical genre performed on tour in North America until now. Allmusic's reviewer, Craig Harris, noted: "The only professional folklore ensemble in Macedonia, the Tanec Ensemble are dedicated to the preservation of traditional Macedonian music, dance, and costuming. Founded by the government of the People's Republic of Macedonia in 1949, the group has shared their musical heritage with audiences around the world for more than half a century, performing an estimated 3, 500 concerts in 31 countries'... The ensemble reached their peak during the late '50s, when influential clarinet and pipes player Tale Ognenovski was a member." First tour of Tale Ognenovski with Macedonian Ensemble ‘Tanec’was to Bulgaria (November and December, 1955), followed soon after by write your comments about the article :: © 2012 Jazz News :: home page |