More Credit for Wick Hill Resellers as Security Sales Grow
Despite the current credit squeeze, Wick Hill announces it is making an additional GBP 1.5 million credit available to its reseller partners. Wick Hill says this is to help partners with a good financial record to take advantage of the growing demand for value add security products and expertise. Ian Kilpatrick, chairman Wick Hill Group, commented: "We've seen our partners achieving strong sales growth across the portfolio and this has put pressure on the credit limits of a number of them. With forecasts of strong growth continuing into our new financial year, we've injected over GBP 1.5 million in additional credit to facilitate further growth."
In the last year, Wick Hill has focussed strongly on its value add programme, with two major initiatives - an online lead management service and the provision of web microsites. Those resulted in a tripling of the number of leads Wick Hill passes on to its resellers and an increase in the number of leads converted to sales. Wick Hill sales rose by over 30% in the last year.
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