Belkin Issues Wi-Fi Phone for Skype
With the Belkin Wi-Fi Phone for Skype, you can now make Skype calls anywhere that you can connect to a Boingo Wireless hot spot. Now equipped with Boingo Mobile, a Wi-Fi Internet access service, you can make calls from thousands of Boingo hot spots in more than 60 countries. Belkin Wi-Fi Phone users can sign up for a Boingo Mobile Unlimited account, which gives them unlimited access to Boingo hot spots, for $7.95 per month. With this roaming capability, the Belkin Wi-Fi Phone for Skype is now a more convenient and low-cost way for students, business travelers, and teenagers alike to stay in touch with their friends, family, and business associates, whether on the road or at home. Belkin Wi-Fi Phone users can now make Skype calls at caf?s, airports, hotels, and other public areas that are in the Boingo Roaming System.
The Belkin Wi-Fi Phone gives you the freedom to call anyone, anywhere — away from your computer. The Wi-Fi Phone connects to many Wi-Fi hot spots around the world, allowing you to easily access your Skype account without turning on your computer. Its intuitive interface provides a Skype experience similar to that on a computer by incorporating familiar Skype features.
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