
ECtel Demonstrates High Performance for RAP on Sun Platforms

ECtel announces that in a series of benchmark tests conducted in cooperation with Sun Microsystems its Revenue Assurance product RAP and IRM Product Framework have demonstrated high performance and scalability, handling throughput of 2.2 billion transactions per day. The new level of application performance set by this benchmark will enable very large communication service providers to achieve enterprise-wide revenue assurance.

The test environment simulated high-end production conditions with a representative configuration of a revenue assurance system. Depending on the various configurations tested, RAP processed up to 36 Million transactions per hour per CPU, highlighting the high-performance architecture of RAP, as well as the power and advanced features of the Solaris 10 operating system (OS) and UltraSPARC IV processor technology. The system also utilized Oracle 10g capabilities and Sun StorEdge modular disk arrays with 4.7 TB of storage.

RAP is ECtel's automated revenue assurance platform that facilitates cost-effective assurance of revenues and processes. It provides a unique set of functionality and capabilities and enables operators and system integrators to implement system interfaces, define Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), add or update revenue assurance KPIs, controls and more.

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