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| Cingular puts 3G global plan in motion Whether sending a businessproposal from a restaurant on the Costa del Garraf in Barcelona or accessingthe company website while watching surfers "hang ten" along the San Diegocoast, Cingular customers will soon be the first in the world to use a singlePC modem card to receive some of the fastest wireless broadband connectionsworldwide. Next month, Cingular will begin offering customers a one-stop shoppingexperience for global wireless broadband service. Cingular GlobalConnectfeatures unlimited domestic data usage on the company's BroadbandConnect andEDGE networks in the United States and 100MB of wireless data usage onnetworks throughout Asia and Europe. The company will also provide customerswith a single LaptopConnect card that connects to multiple wireless datanetworks in 95 countries. One device. One rate plan. Global coverage. Cingular GlobalConnect will feature the Option GlobeTrotter GT MAXLaptopConnect card -- the FIRST, commercially available global 3G device ofits kind. The card is a tri-band (850/1900/2100 MHz) UMTS/HSDPA (UniversalMobile Telephone System/High Speed Downlink Packet Access) device that has aunique retractable antenna design, making it the world's first UMTS/HSDPA datacard that doesn't need to be removed from the notebook computer duringtransport. The card uses Cingular's Communication Manager to accessHSDPA/UMTS/EDGE/GPRS cellular networks and public/private Wi-Fi networks. Cingular GlobalConnect will offer two international wireless data usageplans -- a North American plan ($109.99 for 100MB) for travel within Canadaand Mexico, and an Overseas ($139.99 for 100MB) plan -- both include unlimiteddata usage on Cingular's domestic data networks. These plans will give mobileprofessionals unprecedented ability to use their laptops to accessapplications, e-mail and perform other tasks while traveling within the U.S.and abroad. The Overseas plan will provide access in more than two dozencountries, with service planned to be offered in Australia, Canada, China, France, Germany, Great Britain, Hong Kong, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Singapore, Spain and other major areas in Asia and Europe. With 45 countries currentlyoffering UMTS service, Cingular expects to provide 3G data roaming capabilityin additional countries throughout the year. "The need for broadband connections continues to move from our offices andliving rooms to almost anywhere in the world, " said Kris Rinne, chieftechnology officer for Cingular Wireless. "As more GSM carriers upgrade toUMTS and HSDPA, we see ourselves becoming the travel agents for 3G worldwide." "We are delighted to offer Cingular's customers in the US and overseasthis truly innovative product. In today's world where global travel is nowthe norm, mobile professionals demand instant and speedy access to theircorporate applications and information, any time; anywhere, " said JanCallewaert, chief executive officer for Option. "The unveiling of the GT MAXtoday further demonstrates Option's leading market position in both ergonomicdesign and wireless data technology." Cingular Wireless was the first carrier in the world to make HSDPA servicewidely available to customers. The BroadbandConnect network is available in16 major metropolitan areas in the United States, covering 52 cities. Thecompany will extend coverage to most major metropolitan areas throughout theU.S. in 2006. Customers can use the new Option GlobeTrotter GT MAXLaptopConnect card in these markets to receive average download speeds between400-700 kilobits per second, with bursts to more than one megabit per second. When Cingular customers travel outside of 3G UMTS/HSDPA coverage in theUnited States, the GlobeTrotter GT MAX Laptop Connect card can be used toaccess the Cingular EDGE network (850/900/1800/1900 MHz) in more than 13, 000cities and towns, and connect to either EDGE or GPRS data service in more than95 countries worldwide. Customers accessing UMTS services in other countriesshould expect to receive average download speeds between 200-300kbps, depending on the network accessed. Cingular's BroadbandConnect service uses HSDPA/UMTS technology -- theglobal standard and natural 3G evolutionary path for GSM providers. Wirelesscarriers offering UMTS, EDGE or GPRS can upgrade their networks to HSDPA andbe assured there is a continued evolutionary path to faster speeds and moreadvanced services. The Option GlobeTrotter GT MAX LaptopConnect card will be available for$99.99 when customers purchase a two-year unlimited BroadbandConnect contractor a one-year GlobalConnect plan. Option is showcasing the GlobeTrotter GT MAX LaptopConnect card in itsbooth at this year's GSM World Congress show this week in Barcelona. Cingularcustomers can receive more information about the company's LaptopConnect cardsby visitinghttp://www.cingular.com/laptopconnector on the company'sBroadbandConnect service by visitinghttp://www.cingular.com/broadbandconnect. write your comments about the article :: © 2006 Networking News :: home page |