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| Growing data storage demands Brocade CommunicationsSystems, Inc. (Brocade) announced that Cablecom, thelargest service provider for cable television, high-speed Internet access, anddigital telephony in Switzerland, has selected the latest Brocade 4 Gbit/secFibre Channel storage networking technology to expand its Storage Area Network(SAN) infrastructure. The Zurich-based company will use Brocade SilkWorm4100 Switches and Brocade SilkWorm Multiprotocol Routers to support anadditional 30 terabytes of storage capacity for customer, billing, and otherbusiness-critical information. The Brocade 4Gbit/sec solutions will augmentthe existing Brocade switching infrastructure, and enhance the security ofCablecom's data storage operations, as well as simplify management of businesscritical information. "Our new Brocade solutions will provide us with a higher-performing, fault-tolerant SAN infrastructure that promises to safeguard our growingvolume of data, " said Markus Schumacher, Project Manager for Cablecom. In addition to the need for greater data warehousing, Cablecom wanted toensure the availability of its storage services. The firm was concerned thatthe failure of a link between its Otelfingen and Winterthur sites woulddisrupt one of its two existing 2 Gbit/sec SANs. To address this concern thesystems integrator, wedoit solutions AG, installed a new dual-fabric SAN withsix SilkWorm 4100 4 Gbit/sec switches at the SAN core and two SilkWormMultiprotocol Routers connecting the core to the existing Brocade SANs. Thelink between Otelfingen and Winterthur will now serve as an isolated SAN usedfor data backup operations, linking to the other SANs via the MultiprotocolRouters. The Brocade SilkWorm 4100 switches each combine up to 32 auto-sensing 1, 2, and 4 Gbit/sec ports with high availability and Ports on Demandcapabilities to support demanding SAN environments. The Brocade SilkWormMultiprotocol Routers enable Cablecom to interconnect its SANs withoutactually merging their SAN fabrics, providing a more secure and flexiblestorage networking foundation. write your comments about the article :: © 2006 Networking News :: home page |