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| Novell raises the bar for the Linux desktop Novell todayannounced it has released significant enhancements to the Xgl (X over OpenGL)graphics subsystem, which will let developers create richer graphicalexperiences for Linux* desktop users. Xgl is new core rendering technology forthe Linux desktop that takes advantage of now widely available accelerated 3Drendering hardware. These enhancements make Linux desktops more usable, increase end-user productivity and more firmly position Linux at the forefrontof client computing technology. "The release of Xgl and the accompanying 'Compiz' compositing/windowmanager puts Linux at the forefront of desktop graphics capabilities among alloperating systems, " said Nat Friedman, Novell vice president of Linux desktopengineering. "Open source developers can now use their creativity to build newspecial effects and user interface paradigms as plug-ins to Xgl/Compiz. Noother platform gives you this capability. Novell is a key contributor to thenext generation of Linux platform innovation." Under the leadership of engineer David Reveman, Novell has sponsored theeffort to develop the Xgl graphics subsystem to benefit both hardware vendorsand software developers, and thus end users. Novell's release of Compizenables developers to easily create graphical effects plug-ins which deliverrich visual effects, including transparency and advanced animation. For thefirst time, open source developers have the ability to easily addindustry-standard effects like transparency and window animations to the Linuxdesktop, supported on the broadest possible set of hardware. Industry Support for Xgl and Compiz Hardware and software vendors express strong support for Xgl while opensource community members agree today's enhancements clearly and positivelyimpact the state of the art of Linux desktop graphical capabilities. HP Vice President of Open Source & Linux Organization Christine Martino:"HP is committed to helping customers deploy cutting-edge open solutions inenvironments from desktops to data centers. HP is confident that usability andvisual enhancements to the Linux desktop experience will fuel even more growthwithin this emerging market. Today's news marks another step in HP andNovell's long history of delivering customers the choice and confidence theyneed in order to integrate open solutions." ATI Technologies Software Engineering Division Vice President Ben BarHaim: "ATI believes the Xgl framework is a fundamental building block forpowerful new enhancements to the Linux desktop, and we are committed tosupporting Novell's efforts in making Linux a viable desktop platform." Mozilla Corporation CTO Brendan Eich: "Novell's work on Xgl demonstratesthe kind of focused innovation that the Linux desktop needs in order to thrivein today's market. Users should expect to harness the full power of theirmodern graphics hardware in all aspects of their work and play, and Xgl is amajor step towards making that a reality." Xgl graphics subsystem enhancements and the Compiz framework are thelatest additions to the fast-growing openSUSE() project. Sponsored byNovell, openSUSE.org is a community-based effort that involves developersworldwide in the review, testing and development of SUSE Linux with thegoal of making it accessible to end users, not just developers. Moreinformation on Novell's Xgl and Compiz contributions can be found athttp://www.opensuse.org/xgl. Source code is available for public download athttp://www.freedesktop.org/Software/Xgl. write your comments about the article :: © 2006 Networking News :: home page |