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| Motorola Tackles Security at Super Bowl XL Motorola, Inc. todayannounced that the city of Detroit deployed its Event Management Solution, featuring the MOTOMESH multi-radio broadband wireless network to enhancepublic safety measures during Super Bowl XL. While the majority of thepopulation at the Super Bowl watched the game, Detroit police had their eyeson real-time video surveillance by leveraging mesh-enabled cameras as part ofMotorola's Intelligent Video Surveillance and Control (iVSC) solution. MOTOMESH delivered seamless video connectivity over the newly allocated 4.9GHzsecure public safety band to police cars securing the perimeter of Ford Field, helping increase situational awareness and responsiveness. The MOTOMESH network and iVSC solution together provided officers accessto surveillance cameras in real time allowing them to pan across the crowd, zoom in and out, while viewing live streaming video via mobile command postsutilizing ruggedized Motorola ML 900 laptop computers. "With the stadium being in the heart of downtown Detroit, and notsurrounded by parking lots like many other stadiums, we needed a solution thatwould boost officials' situational awareness at the entrances and exits to thegrounds. This solution allowed the officers to monitor a large area andpopulation from their laptops while remaining in their dispatched areas, " saidDerrick Miller, City of Detroit, CIO. In total, Super Bowl XL attracted over 10, 000 safety personnel from over50 different agencies at the local, state and federal levels. The MOTOMESHnetwork provided officers access to the 4.9GHz public safety band in order tosecurely monitor the stadium, while providing a single interoperable solutionfor the various agencies. The higher-speed connections offered by theMotorola mesh system also provided mission critical broadband connectivity tothe officers in the field. Officers had mobile broadband access to countycriminal justice databases, remote digital reporting, multimedia e-mails, andother applications that deliver a "complete desktop experience" to theofficers' vehicle-based computers via Motorola's Mobile Office solution. "We wanted to give our security officials the best tools possible toprotect those attending the Super Bowl. The MOTOMESH network was the onlysolution that allowed us to leverage the interference free 4.9GHz publicsafety band and provide enough bandwidth to support the high quality mobilevideo surveillance that we needed, " said Kwame Kilpatrick, Mayor of Detroit."It is also exciting to know that with MOTOMESH there is the potential toexpand this network city wide in the future and address the needs of multipleagencies, as well as our citizens." The network deployment was completed within a week and the setup allowedofficers to monitor approximately half a square mile of the Super Bowl'sperimeter and the movement of over 65, 000 attendants. Motorola's Event Management solution includes the MOTOMESH network, Intelligent Video Surveillance and Control (iVSC), and the Motorola ML900Ruggedized Laptop that work together so event officials have more access tomission critical information and the pre-emptive intelligence necessary tokeep everyone safe. The MOTOMESH Multi-Radio Broadband Solution supports up to four radionetworks in a single access point. It enables complete municipal-widewireless connectivity in both 4.9GHz licensed and 2.4GHz unlicensedfrequencies. The system also leverages Motorola's proven Mesh EnabledArchitecture (MEA) technology, giving users a self-forming and self-healingmobile broadband connection for video and data applications. The MOTOMESHradio architecture allows municipalities to provide dedicated bandwidth, network connectivity and security for municipal WiFi, public works and publicsafety users over a single integrated wireless infrastructure. "With more than a dozen MOTOMESH network deployments either completed orunderway, Motorola is establishing a leadership position in public safety andmunicipal WiFi deployments, " said Richard Licursi, Vice President of the MeshNetworks Product Group at Motorola. "The Super Bowl proved to be an idealplace to deploy MOTOMESH, since it provided first responders with missioncritical mobile access to video surveillance. We were honored to have beenchosen by the city of Detroit to help keep those in and around the Super Bowlas safe as possible." write your comments about the article :: © 2006 Networking News :: home page |