

On Thursday, September 5th at 8:30pm Composers Concordance presents Gene Pritsker's Sound Liberation, which takes the stage of Birdland Theater to celebrate the release of the album 'Gene & The Strings'. Joining Sound Liberation for this event are violinists Lara St. John and Machiko Ozawa, they will perform compostions from the new album, originally for solo violin, but here arranged for violin and Sound Liberation. Besides those two pieces with solo violin: 'More Iguanas' and 'Tony V. Does The Tango', Sound Liberation will also perform 'Loss Occupied Part 2' from the new release, featuring r&b vocalist David Banks. Other members of Sound Liberation for this event are Franz Hackl - trumpet, Todd Rewoldt - sax, Amanda Ruzza - bass, David Cossin - drums and pianist Lesi Mei who will be featured in a new arrangement by Gene of a movement form Shostakovich piano concerto #2. The event will also feature poets Imelda O'Reilly, Erik T. Johnson, Robert C. Ford and John Pietaro as well as surprise guests. The event is presented by Composers Concordance.

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