
In Memory of Sean Satin

Sun Sep 15, 2024 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM EDT


Presented by Composers Concordance in association with The Village Trip

Composers Concordance presents a concert in memory of Sean Satin as part of The Village Trip Festival. The event celebrates the life of guitarist Sean Satin, who passed away too soon in April 2024. Sean was a guitarist and a teacher at Greenwich House in the West Village, a dear friend, husband and all-around beautiful person. During the concert, Composers Concordance will launch The Sean Satin Memorial Prize for Guitar.
The concert will feature music composed by Sean's close friends and colleagues, including Bruce Arnold, Lynn Bechtold, Charles Coleman, Dan Cooper, Shanan Estreicher, Jane Getter, Patrick Grant, Eugene W McBride, Ginka Mizuki, and David Saperstein. "Song That Sean Liked" for solo violin and Samplestra, by his best friend Gene Pritsker, will be premiered by violinist Petro Krysa.

Performers include Gene Pritsker, Greg Baker, Jacob Horowitz, Patrick Grant, Oren Fader, and William Anderson - guitar; Jessica Bowers and Charles Coleman – voice; Luis Andrei Cobo – piano; Lynn Bechtold – violin; Peter Krysa - violin (virtually); Franz Hackl – trumpet; Michiyo Suzuki – clarinet; and My Guitar Wants to Kill Your Mama Quartet.

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