
Tunisian Bassist/Composer to release debut recording in July

Bassist/Composer Marwan Allam

to release debut recording

"Bab Bhar"

Marwan Allam - Double Bass

Chris McCarthy - Piano

Samvel Sarkisyan - Drums

Yacine Boulares - Tenor & Soprano saxophones

Release Date: July 12th, 2024

Bab Bhar is the gate that connects the old and new city of Tunis, capital of Tunisia. Behind every door in the Medina are stories to be found and the heritage is so rich due to all the cultures that passed through North Africa, among them Berber, Arab, Roman, Turkish, and Andalusian civilizations. Growing up with this background made me dream about traveling the world and finding new inspirations and influences to grow artistically. This search has eventually led me to New York City where I am realizing my vision of Arabic North African music heritage combined with jazz harmony and Afro-American music. This project is going to be my debut album as a bandleader and composer which blends my musical experiences and research worldwide, throughout the years.

In Bab Bhar, I am introducing new ideas for compositions that involve Arabic rhythms, melodies and Maqams, together with modern jazz and swing tradition. Adapting and combining different rhythms and meters into modern jazz harmony without losing its meaning and authenticity of the musical phrases, to find different grooves that lead to develop a new musical language and sound.

I am introducing some traditional Tunisian rhythmic pattern such as "Btayihi, Chaabi, Bounawara, Moudawar Hawzi…" also Sammai and Buleria and translating them on the drums.

I'm also imagining new approaches to playing the double bass influenced by the "Gombri" instrument from Stambali music in Tunisia by detuning the instrument and trying new sounds that sounds like the sub-Saharan tradition to get similar lines to the Gombri.

I'm bringing the sound of the double bass in the front to perform takasim on Maqams such Bayt, Rast or Sica as a solo instrument.I am thinking of the Tenor saxophone as a human voice to get closer to the way of bspelling the African pentatonic scales and Andalusian Maqam's and the syncopations and accents that characterize the Tunisian music style.

I'm exploring traditional Arabic forms such as "Muwachah, Nouba, Sammai…" and coming up with different arrangements that include changing melodies and rhythms that could add new sounds and colors to the song.

Bab bhar has unique sounds and colors that features the upright bass as a solo and accompanying instrument and mixing two complete different cultures. This idea has seduced many of the great musicians on the New York jazz scene, lead me to new collaborations and encouraged me to put this project together.

Recording with a jazz quartet is one of the most significant and effective set up that can deliver any musical messages or ideas, this project will be performed and recorded in New York City with Chris McCarthy on piano, Samvel Sarkisyan on drums, Yacine Boulares on tenor and soprano saxophones and myself on double bass.

About Marwan Allam

Performer Bassist Composer living in NYC born and raised in Tunisia,

His musical journey began at age of fourteen playing the guitar for few years and this was enough for self –tough young talented artist to draw his dream and clear up his path into the professionalism.

After he was nationally highly acclaimed as musician, Marwan decided to make the move to Europe first in 2009 to join the prince Claus Conservatory in the Netherlands, he joined serval projects and big bands performed in many festivals such as Hanover and Groningen, Umbria, and Cairo Jazz in Egypt.

In early 2018 Marwan moved from Tunisia to New York City to make his ultimate career dream become true to start working and collaborating with the top-notch artists and musicians from all over the world.

Performed with serval awarded artists such the pianists Marc Cary and Tarek Yammani and guitarist Freddie Bryant, Brazilian vocalist Liz Rosa, Saxophonist Jay Rattman, Jure pukl and performed at one of the most iconic jazz clubs and venues around NYC such as Smoke, Mezzrow, zinc bar, the Django, Smalls.

In the past two years, Marwan has joined various projects in different music genres with the saxophonist Yacine Boulares -

"Night in Tunisia "project performed in Tunisia in December 2020.

Performed with his jazz quartet and his Arabic Trio project various clubs around the city such as Barbés, Terasa7, Sisters, Cafe Bohemia, Bar Bayeux, Brooklyn Museum.

Recording projects with the the flutist Dominque Gagne, flamenco project with guitarist Andreas Arnold, Camila Celin, Melvis Santa, James Labrosse joined the pianist Albert Marques flamenco – jazz trio in summer 2021.

Marwan continuing to expand his work as a bandleader, composer and at first call upright & electric bass player.

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