
LIWA YA WECH...out March 15th 2024 on TANGENTIAL MUSIC...Franck Biyong's New Single...

Liwa Ya Wech - Franck Biyong's 2nd single on TANGENTIAL MUSIC - March 15th 2024

"For the second single from his forthcoming and brilliant 'Radio Masoda' album, Franck Biyong has transformed Congolese genius Franco Luambo's 1961 rumba standard 'Liwa Ya Wech' into a sophisticated Afro-Jazz anthem that oozes romance and late night grandeur. Powerful velvety horns, understated piano and swinging heartbeat percussion lay the stage for a moving vocal performance from the Kenyan female singing group Karama, whose spiritually-charged voices elevate Franco's original message to the cosmos. Not dissimilar to UK band Kokoroko's much loved 'Abusey Junction', Franck's interpretation of 'Liwa Ya Wech' is a deeply emotional track that will add harmony to your life"

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