
Yes! Trio Releases Third Single "Sheikh Ali"

Yes! Trio | "Sheikh Ali" [single]
Ali Jackson | Omer Avital | Aaron Goldberg
Release date: Jan 26, 2024

As their third single, Yes! Trio presents "Sheikh Ali", a royal tribute from bassist Omer Avital to his friend and bandmate, drummer Ali Jackson!
Inspired to Omer Avital by Ali Jackson—his drummer accomplice in Yes! Trio—'Sheikh Ali' is a new testimony to the deep friendship that has bound the members of the trio for 30 years!

Launched masterfully by the double bass which sets the groove, typical of the vein of Omer Avital who deserves his nickname of "Israeli Mingus", this high spirited song is as joyful as lyrical, featuring the sparkling drums of Ali Jackson and the delightful swing of Aaron Goldberg!

Another supreme hit from Avital… Check the Sheikh!

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