
Dossel - Badoque

"DOSSEL" is the musical project of composer and producer Roberto Barrucho. Since the end of 2017, it has been under this alias that the artist has developed and released his musical productions.

Initially recognized as an accomplished composer (working with the artist Mahmundi), he has won various awards including the Multishow Brazilian Music Award in 2013 and a Latin Grammy nomination in 2019. He also released his debut album, "Ouvindo Vozes, " in 2019.

Released in 2023, Dossel's second album, "BADOQUE, " has been featured in various Best of 2023 selections and has just entered the World Music Charts Europe (January 2024).

Badoque is an indigenous battle instrument used to throw parangas, balls made from burned clay. It is the bow of the Caboclo Sete Flechas. The Caboclo Sete Flechas is often depicted as a spiritual entity, and in the context of Umbanda and Candomblé, it is believed to be a powerful and wise spirit guide or deity associated with nature, healing, and protection. The name "Sete Flechas" translates to "Seven Arrows" in English, and it is often interpreted symbolically, representing various aspects of knowledge, strength, and spiritual attributes.

Supported by producers and musicians with extensive experience and prominence in the national scene - such as Jam da Silva, Joana Queiroz, Zé Nigro, Thomas Harres, Pedro Guinu, and Jonas Sá - this second studio work is loaded with references to Brazilian music, both in percussive and melodic layers. The lyrics allude to the need to maintain a state of resistance through the power of cultural and traditional expressions, and by recognizing and strengthening our roots.

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