
Guitarist Nicholas Mycio to release new solo recording "Nonstandard"

"Nonstandard" is Nicholas Mycio's 2nd album, which answers the unlikely question: "What if Jazz was also Breakbeat?" Blaring synths, amen breaks, hard bass, piercing guitars merged with classic jazz standards. A perfect blend of the virtuosity found in jazz improvisation, and the hard hitting grime of electronic production.

About Nichola Mycio

Nicholas Mycio is a New York City based guitarist whose unique sonic palette combines the foundational language of Jazz with modern harmonic innovations brought about in the 21st century. A musician with a clearly defined vision, Nicholas has always strived to play in the same manner in which he speaks. To connect his thoughts to his improvisation perfectly, and perform with the same depth and meaning as a thoughtful conversation.

Starting young Nicholas began playing guitar at the age of 4 under the tutelage of his father Wasil Mycio, a music theorist and fellow guitarist. "I wanted to be just like my dad, and I begged him to buy me a guitar, " he recalled. In 2018 Nicholas would begin attending the Berklee College of Music on a full tuition scholarship where he would receive mentorship from immaculate musicians such as Terri Lyne Carrington, Kris Davis, Nir Felder, and many more.

Nicholas' performances have brought him around the world. In 2019 he would tour Western and Eastern Europe performing the music that would metastasize into his 1st album "Secrets From The Streetlights". Notable highlights include performances at the Kozlov Club in Moscow, Jam Club in Moscow, The Ivan Franko Theatre of National Drama in Kyiv. Nationally Nicholas has had the opportunity to play at some of the most prominent clubs including Cafe Erzulie, The Django, Ornithology Jazz Club, as well as performances for the United States Navy. Nicholas is endorsed by Luka Zaletelj, and Zaletelj Guitars.

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