
Guitarist Phil Sargent delivers his new album "Sons" (Independent Release)

Guitarist and composer Phil Sargent is a name to be reckoned with in the Boston and New York music scenes. Described as a musician who "is cognizant of the tradition but thinks outside of the box" (All About Jazz) and who "incorporates melodic hooks into the mix, where superior technique, cunning interactions, memorable song forms, and seething solo jaunts attain a near-flawless symmetrical presence" (, Sargent has shared the stage with the likes of giants such as Dave Liebman, Jerry Bergonzi, and John Lockwood, to contemporary earthshakers such as Matt Wilson, Bob Moses, Phil Grenadier, and Yosuke Inoue, among others. Now, over a decade since his previous release, Sargent once more takes the stage and studio as a bandleader with Sons, an album that stands both as a tribute to and reflection on fatherhood and how it has transformed him and his world.

Phil Sargent has worked with a number of prominent musicians including Dave Liebman, Jerry Bergonzi, John Lockwood, Fernando Huergo, Bruno Raberg, Bob Moses, Matt Wilson, Phil Grenadier, Yosuke Inoue, Thomson Kneeland and others. He studied at the University of New Hampshire and with critically acclaimed guitarists Ben Monder, and Brad Shepik. Phil leads his own group whose compositions draw from a variety of influences, most prominently the odd meters and eastern tonalities of ethnic Balkan music and modern jazz improvisation. Phil released his first recording (For Carl) in 2002. His 2010 release (A New Day) has received critical acclaim. In addition to writing for his own group he composes and has released recordings with the genre bending groups Iskar and The Industrious Noise Trio and many others. Phil also performs nationally as a sideman in the Sonic Explorers, Bruno Raberg Nonet, Rick DiMuzio Quintet, Mehmet Ali Sanlikol Jazz Orchestra, Brooke Sofferman Perspective, John Funkhouser quartet, and a variety of other ensembles ranging from straight ahead jazz to the avante-garde. After studying Jazz Performance and Composition at the University of New Hampshire Phil has since enjoyed a full roster of private students in both New Hampshire and Massachusetts. In addition, Phil has been an active clinician, teaching improvisation and performance master classes at various colleges and high schools throughout New England.

With Sons, Sargent makes emotively tangible that which is held deeply at the center of the human experience: family. To grow and create, to provide and protect, to wrestle and raise up - all this is held testimonial within the vast textural landscapes and sweeping genre fluidity of Sons. Sargent composes and plays not merely for himself and for his music, but because he has something worthwhile to say, and an audience worthwhile to say it to who inspired it all to begin with.

Out January 12th, 2024 (Self - Release)

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