
NEW BOOK As Long As They Can Blow. Interracial Recording and Other Jive Before 1935 by Steve Provizer

The overarching goal of As Long As They Can Blow. Interracial Recording and Other Jive Before 1935 is to show the mutual respect that black and white jazz musicians had for each other and how a shared love of the music and the relative privacy of the recording studio resulted in hundreds of early interracial jazz recordings. This body of recorded work, a part of the fabric of the evolution of jazz, is pretty much unrecognized.

The book includes:

• The first discography of these sessions ever put together.

• A concise list that can be used for quick access to those sessions.

• A brief history of the recording industry, with an emphasis on how the industry dealt with the question of race.

• A list of formal and informal interactivity between black and white jazz musicians outside the recording studio. I.e.- Jack Teagarden and Jimmy Harrison's friendship, Red Nichols and Louis Armstrong exchanging tips...

• Finally, there is a piece in the voice of Mezz Mezzrow and one in the voice of Eddie Condon, both of whom were active in interracial sessions. The facts are there, but the author uses techniques of creative non-fiction to put them into compelling story form.

What happened when Mezz Mezzrow put together an interracial jazz group for public performance.

The book is available as a paperback or eBook in all retail outlets or as a .pdf download from the website.

This information, plus photos, audio and video on interracial activity is at:

About the author: Stephen Provizer is a musician (brass) who has been writing about jazz since the 1990's. His work can be found in publications like Coda, Downbeat, Syncopated Times,, Forward,

He is the author, producer and director of The Amazing Story of Stranger Fruit-

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