
Nugara Trio At Matt And Phred's Club - Manchester

GleAM Records is proud to announce the fourth date of Nugara Trio "Point of Convergency Tour 2023" realized with the support of Ministero degli Affari Esteri e della Cooperazione Internazionale and Italia Music Export.
Nugara Trio will presents the music of Point of Convergency, their debut album released by GleAM Records and available on CD and digital download/streaming from June 16th, 2023 and distributed by IRD International and Believe Digital.

Francesco Negri, Viden Spassov, and Francesco V. Parsi are three young musicians from different cities in Italy, namely Genoa, Turin, and Florence. They met at the Nuoro Jazz 2021 seminars, where, thanks to a fortunate twist of fate, they found themselves together as winners of the annual scholarships for the best students. This marks the birth of the Nugara Trio, who decide to pay tribute to their place of birth and the magic of Sardinia with a name derived from "Nugoro, " an ancient name for Nuoro.

Three musicians, three different souls, three spirits that have crossed paths almost by chance, like three lines that intersect in the unknown of infnity at a single point—the point of convergence, the point from which the Trio's music is born. It is a music that defes easy artistic and genre categorization, rich, complex, and melodic. Each of the three musicians brings their own musical and cultural baggage to the album, often in confict, the result of a creative process that is never mundane and sometimes contradictory, yet always capable of achieving a degree of balance and harmony that makes "Point of Convergency" an album that lives its own life and renews itself in each of its eight tracks.

Like the vertices of a triangle converging at a central point, the three musicians have infused their compositions with some of their major musical infuences, to which they owe a debt. From classical and romantic music to folk and world music, pop, progressive rock, and fnally jazz, which, with its ability to absorb inspirations and return them with a new face, completes the circle.

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