
New Release "I TALK TO THE WIND" by Genevieve, featuring strings by Grammy-nominated Drew Jurecka

Canadian vocalist Genevieve "Gigi" Marentette shares a new single, "I Talk to the Wind." A compelling rendition of the King Crimson classic from 1969, the song is a rare gem from the progressive rock album "In the Court of the Crimson King." The release is part of a series of singles from '69 in which Gigi breathes new life into iconic tracks from that transformative year.

Gigi's arrangement features Eric St-Laurent on guitar, George Koller on bass, Ben Wittman on drums, and a stunning string interlude by Grammy-nominated Drew Jurecka. Her interpretation was shaped by her 2019 singing residency amidst Hong Kong's political unrest. To Gigi, the song's lyrics reflect the isolation and struggle for meaning that many social activists across generations experience.

The inspiration for this project is deeply personal, drawing from Gigi's close mentorship with legendary musician David Clayton-Thomas of Blood Sweat & Tears and his generation's steadfast commitment to social activism. In 1969, Clayton-Thomas reached the zenith of his career as Blood Sweat and Tears won the Grammy for Best Album and played at Woodstock. Also in 1969, Gigi's mom, Linda, at 18, left her job at the UAW in Windsor and relocated to Toronto to aid the draft dodgers of the Vietnam War. Her mother was motivated by social justice, human rights, and peace ideals that fueled most musicians at the time.

To this day, Clayton-Thomas is deeply frustrated by the state of global affairs, while her mom remains eternally optimistic about the efforts of future generations.

"I Talk to the Wind" captures the sentiments of activists who continue pursuing societal transformation despite feeling alienated or unheard. The lyrics resonate as powerfully today as they did in 1969, suggesting that seeking change sometimes feels akin to talking to the wind. "I dedicate this song to my elder activists and their unwavering commitment to social justice, " Gigi states, hoping to honour the enduring spirit of activism and the impact of music as a medium for conveying messages of love and hope.

"I Talk to the Wind" is available for radio play now and streaming on November 24th on Vesuvius Music/IDLA.


Genevieve "Gigi" Marentette is a fixture in the Toronto music community. She was born in Leamington, Ontario, known affectionately as Tomato Town. Her father is a farmer, and her mother is a musician and social activist. As a child, Genevieve bounced around the north and south of Ontario - living communally and creatively. That upbringing helped nurture her free-spirited soul - full of saudade - and also her love of community - full of duende. Genevieve spent her formative teen years in Detroit, where her family roots go back 265 years. She credits her unique artistry to her mom, @lindagirard and Detroit's rich musical history. After completing a college jazz diploma in Toronto, she travelled and performed extensively in Asia and Europe. Genevieve, or Gigi as her peeps call her, calls Toronto her home. Gigi has worked with Marc Houle, Theo Parrish, Recloose, David Clayton-Thomas, Jane Siberry and others.

The accolades from her peers speak volumes about her talent:

"I love her singing, just love it. What a joy, " says Lori Cullen.

Jane Siberry describes her as "precise, heart-connected, exciting, " while Marc Jordan recently said, " she's an artist at the height of her powers."

With a voice that transcends genres and a stage presence that enchants audiences worldwide, Gigi Marentette's artistry is authentic and passionate. Her journey continues to unfold, and her interpretations of timeless classics, like Nick Drake's "River Man, " carry the weight of experience and the joy of creative liberation. Gigi's music is a testament to the eternal power of the human spirit, forever yearning for connection through melody and emotion.

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