
Nugara Trio at Portrait (Sofia)

Tonight November 22, 2023 Nugara Trio will be in Sofia at Portrait for the 5th date of "Point of Convergency Tour 2023" realized with the support of Ministero degli Affari Esteri e della Cooperazione Internazionale, Italia Music Export, Italia Music Lab .
Nugara Trio will presents the music of Point of Convergency, their debut album released by GleAM Records and available on CD and digital download/streaming from June 16th, 2023 and distributed by IRD International Records Distribution and Believe.
The project is implemented with the financial support of Национален фонд "Култура"/ National Culture Fund, Bulgaria" under the program "PROGRAM FOR RECOVERY AND DEVELOPMENT OF PRIVATE CULTURAL ORGANIZATIONS" and with the media partnership of Jazz FM 104 MHz .

Start h 20:00

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