
"The August Session" from Vocalist/Composer Andrew Richards

The August Session is up and coming vocalist/songwriter Andrew Richard's sophomore album. Recorded live in a five hour session at Big Orange Sheep Studio in Brooklyn, the album explores an expansive repertoire, including original tunes, standards, covers, and an Irish traditional song.

This album is driven by a wonderfully simple ensemble with a range of dynamics, solos, and lyrical intrigue. Renowned saxophone player Stacy Dillard's Sax makes an appearance on five of the songs (including a Rolling Stones Cover & Charlie Parker standard). Moshe Elmakias tasteful and often dramatic accompaniment on the piano is food for the musical soul. This album has something for all.

Andrew Richards is contemporary vocalist, composer, and songwriter. Born and raised in Vermont, he now resides in New York City, where his butter smooth tone will coax the marrow from your bones. Andrew sites Jazz, Folk, and Blues as great influences upon his work.

His original music is a reflection of the careful and relentless study of the human experience. From the vibrant sounds of southern Spain, the intimacy of NYC Jazz clubs, and the rich folk traditions of his Irish ancestors. In his own words "it is my intention to transcribe humanity into sound.

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