
Will Calhoun Appearing at Dizzy’s Club Wednesday, November 15th Sets 7:30 & 9:30 PM

Will Calhoun
Appearing at Dizzy's Club
Wednesday, November 15th
Sets 7:30 & 9:30 pm

Emilio Modeste, tenor saxophone
Orrin Evans, piano
John Benitez, bass
Will Calhoun, drums/percussion

Few artists approach new material with the curiosity, confidence, and mastery of Will Calhoun. Throughout his fabled career, the drummer, composer, and producer has charted new pathways across styles and genres, from bebop to hip hop. With his critically acclaimed band Living Colour, he has received multiple Grammy Awards, and his research has sent him to Mali, Morocco, Senegal, Belize, Northern Brazil, and the Australian Outback in his quest to "document and study the history of drums, rhythm, sonic vibrations and their impact on modern music." Calhoun leads his ensemble in exploring Afro Futurism Jazz that bonds swing, urban beats, West African rhythms, Indigenous sounds, electronic trance, and "The Bronx Flava." Expect an effervescent evening of syncopation, colliding styles, and master drumming.

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