
Kay Kostopoulos “Black Olive Jazz” appearing @ Pangea Thursday, November 16th 7 pm

"Black Olive Jazz" vocalist, Kay Kostopoulos, continues her female Odyssey at "Pangea" in the East Village, NYC, November 16, 7 p.m. Exotic jazz, finger cymbals & Mediterranean beatswith a musical exploration of heroines, Salome, Delilah, Cleopatra, Persephone, Circe, and more...Seductresses? Destroyers?

Featuring Sue Maskaleris, piano; Laura Dreyer, reeds; Sam Bevan, bass; Ronen Itzik, percussion!

The lovely Ms. Kostopoulos, whose ageless Mediterranean beauty perfectly complements a show incorporating Greek goddesses, set the mood with an excellent rendition of Dizzy Gillespie's "A Night in Tunisia." The star makes extensive use of sensuality in her performance, often with the aid of Turkish finger cymbals, called zills. Kay Kostopolous is a fine performer who will leave you enchanted and informed. New York is lucky to have her."... Andrew Poretz, Theater Pizzazz, NY, NY

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