
Composers Concordance Presents  ‘Charts & Graphics’

On Saturday, November 4th, 2023 at The Delancey, Composers Concordance presents 'Charts & Graphics', a concert featuring new music written in the forms of charts and/or utilizing graphic notation, to be performed by CompCord Ensemble: Jason Hwang - violin, Michiyo Suzuki - clarinet, Gene Pritsker - guitar, Jay Elfenbein - bass, and Damien Bassman - drums.

Featured compositions include Gene Pritsker's 'unCHARTed Deconstructed #3' (World Premiere), Jay Elfenbein's 'Maddy Waddy', Dan Cooper's 'The Five Sauces' - inspired by a cartoon by Adam Holzman, and Michael Poast's 'Color Music Timelessness Spatial Quintet' - utilizing an alternative notation system created by the composer.

The concert will be live streamed on Composers Concordance's Facebook page.

Listing Information

Composers Concordance Presents
'Charts & Graphics'

Music Featuring Graphics
and Lead Sheets

Saturday, Nov. 4th, 2023

The Delancey
168 Delancey St, NYC

$10 at the door

Live Stream

Dan Cooper, Jay Elfenbein, Jason Hwang,
Ginka Mizuki, Michael Poast, Gene Pritsker

CompCord Ensemble:
Jason Hwang - violin
Michiyo Suzuki - clarinet
Gene Pritsker - guitar
Jay Elfenbein - bass
Damien Bassman - drums

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