
Yang Zhang "The Touch Of Surging Tide"

2023 Global Music Awards 2x Gold medal winner Yang Zhang presents her winning album "The Touch Of Surging Tide", which has been submitted in the contemporary instrumental category at the 66th GRAMMY Awards.

About the album: Behind the submission, is her timeless art concept that blurs the boundary crossing contemporary instrumental, cinematic ambience, the architecture built upon futuristic electronic, re-envisioned Indian music, and interfered with the Jazz taste.

The album merges the beauty of two cultures into one unique art form, where two extreme aesthetic tastes have been melted organically: it rejuvenates and redirects the evolution for future development. By traversing the South Asian music led by Bansuri, which blends with a broad range of vocals and dialects diversified from Asia to Africa, the album sets a wide range of Indian melodic phrasing, laced with the unique nuances of traditional Indian flute improvisations influenced by Saga and Carnatic music that distinctly formalized an authentic and vocalized style of flute playing. The album encompasses the uniqueness, connectivity, and compatibility of Indian folk tunes that can not only broaden the connection of Southern Asian music but seamlessly lead the direction of its future evolution.

The project was consulted and supervised by 2x Grammy winning composer Brent Fischer, and the featured flutist is Vijay Gopal, who is an A-grade artist of All India Radio, Chennai, and an impaneled artist on the Indian Council for Cultural Relations (ICCR). The Indian recording sessions were co-produced and engineered by 3x Grammy accredited musician, Devan Ekambaram. To get the authentic sound of the South Asian Bansuri, renowned Bollywood engineer, Praveen Muralidhar was roped in to mix the flute tracks as well as master the album.

About the creator: Yang Zhang has a versatile career that wildly crosses over music composition, all aspects of music production, tech-driven enterprise, and social invention. As the Chinese pioneer of electronic music, her first EP was released by China Universal Record, and immediately got international acclaim and was endorsed by U.K.-based music producer Guy Sigsworth. After relocating to Los Angeles, she was represented by Andrew Robbins, known for his 2x Oscar-winning picture music placements, Crash(1994) and The Shape Of Water(2018).
She won the 2016 Montreal "View Of The World" for the best original music; was nominated as the best instrumental "Recall Of The Fallen Empire" for the 2021 Hollywood Music In Media Awards, and won the best Sci-fi/Fantasy for 2022 Hollywood Music In Media Awards for "The Lord Of Flame", the 2022 Global Music Awards for the bronze medal for her entitle album "The Hard-boiled Wonderland And The End Of The Flame". In 2023, she won 2 Gold medals at the Global Music Awards for Best New Age Album & Best Composer. Additionally, she was selected as the TedX Talk speaker in 2020 and will continue to present the topic wherein music is at the intersection of art, technology, and social changes with Ted X Talk San Marino. Her enterprise was selected as one of the top 11 Ed-startups by USC Rossier Ed-ventures Cohort 3, and one of the top 30 A.I. technologies by XPRIZE.

Prizes: 2023 Global Music Awards For Best New Age Album & Best Composer

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