
The Grammy-winning Pablo Ziegler Jazz Tango Trio in New York

The Grammy-winning Pablo Ziegler Jazz Tango Trio with Hector Del Curto (bandoneon) and Claudio Ragazzi (guitar) will return to Joe's Pub (Manhattan, NY) on June 29th after their epic performances at BBC Proms, Gilmore Piano Festival, Tokyo Jazz Festival, and more. They will play soulful, virtuosic originals by Ziegler and Nuevo Tango standards by Astor Piazzolla from their Grammy-winning album Jazz Tango.

It wouldn't be wrong to say that Pablo Ziegler changed Astor Piazzolla's life forever when he was invited to be part of Piazzolla Quintet, the historical quintet that many people remember for their performances from Montreal Jazz Festival to the album Zero Hour. Ziegler was not just a sideman. As Piazzolla imagined, Ziegler helped shape what Piazzolla's music had become during their collaboration that lasted for over a decade. Who knew that Piazzolla was not an improviser before collaborating with Ziegler?

Pablo Ziegler's Grammy-Award win would probably not have been a surprise to Piazzolla given Ziegler's vast experience in the jazz world. His playing style, both sharply percussive and metallically lyrical, is instantly recognizable and bears some similarities to that of Vladimir Horowitz as well as some of the wistfulness of Bill Evans' approach. As Howard Reich from Chicago Tribune claimed, "There's no question that Ziegler takes the tango to levels of sophistication and refinement probably undreamed of by Piazzolla".

Pablo Ziegler Jazz Tango Trio
Thursday, June 29th at 7pm
(door opens 6pm)
Joe's Pub
425 Lafayette St
New York, NY 10003

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