

Susie Blue & the Lonesome Fellas has a brand new single, "It's a Good Day" which has only been out since the holiday weekend and already a myriad of Radio programs and DJ's are spinning the tune in the US and Internationally, encompassing several genres like Jazz, Roots, Blues, Americana and Country… proving that the band still has a crossover charm since their most recent award winning album "BLUE TRAIN" was released to critical acclaim
This Peggy Lee original, written in 1946 was a popular hit in post WW2 America when many battle torn soldiers were coming home to start their lives anew, and the theme of the song delivers a cheerful "You can't do it with a fresh start" kind of theme. A theme that Miles says is important during post-Covid, socially and economically challenged times.

"I have always loved this tune, " she told me in our recent interview, "but now more than ever we all need some cheering up, and this is the song to do it!"

Miles has always tried to portray the Lonesome Fellas as a cheerful, twinkle in your eye kind of musical persuasion, and they don't disappoint with their new single. When the band started out as a Western Swing experiment in 2015 Miles let it be known that the band was not to be taken to "seriously"…. because, as she says "Nobody can be depressed listening to Western Swing, it's like an antidepressant for your ears, conjured up by jazz and roots musicians during the heart of the Great Depression." But this new track is a standard swing tune which has been covered by the likes of Frank Sinatra, Bing Crosby and Kay Starr, and so of course Miles took it up a step by bringing in a Gipsy Swing Band from Paris, France to join the group. Paris Music Tales featuring guitarist Martin Gioani really pick up the pace of the song, leaving the listener reeling from an intoxicating mix of spirited strumming guitars, clarinets, sassy drums and saxophone…. creating an international musical euphoria that should be played at the UN while folks are having their morning coffee, tea or libations!

"I wanted to put the song out especially now" Miles said, "Because so many people are worried about the future. Peggy wrote this song after WW2 ended when a lot of traumatized soldiers were coming home and the world was just starting to patch itself together, sort of like we are doing now. We have not just ended a great war, but we are in a difficult place, trying to keep our country and economy together, and I thought that this cheerful song with its positive message of keeping your chin up would be something that could comfort people right now…. at least I hope it does."

This 3 minute ditty does not disappoint, and Paris Music Tales gives the song a lively swing while Chicago's Sax and Reed Maestro grounds them just a little with some notorious Chicago tone and delivery. So who can be depressed when there are gipsy guitars strumming, Susie Blue crooning, and great clarinet and saxophone solos keeping your toes tapping and maybe even pulling you up on the dance floor for a few joyous twirls? Because you know it really can be a good day after all, when some of the best musicians in Paris and Chicago unite in this rhapsodic single. - JM Reid, Chicago Music Guide

Here is the link to the video

It is live on all streaming and downloading services and was just picked up by BBC Radio

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