
Fabrizio Modonese Palumbo — ELP

ELP collects the music composed and performed by Fabrizio Modonese Palumbo for a series of choreographic actions by choreographer / dancer Paola Bianchi. Those actions are part of the articulated choreography research project ELP (Ethos, Logos, Pathos) in which choreography deepens its study of the body and the relationships between bodies and the cultural images upon which bodies are represented.

The project studies the relationship between the descriptive word and dance through the transmission of audio archives of posture created by starting with images then removing from the choreography the body as a model to be imitated in such a way as to negate the hierarchy of power over the transmission of dance.

The album was recorded and mixed by Paul Beauchamp at O.F.F. Studio Torino and mastered by James Plotkin and it is available for preorder at the following link :

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