
Hypokrat - Maëla Raoult

Maëla offers us a soft and colorful atmosphere for this new album, in which African rhythms are mixed with jazz and oriental colors and the warm sound of the clarinet and the bass clarinet. Maëla lets us navigate and reveals five original and personal compositions as well as the arrangement of the two fabulous standards : Mackie Messer and Who walks in when I walk out.

The artist, native of Brittany, has drawn up a burning palette of southern colors and African percussions for this new album. Classical influences and harmonies with some impressionist touches, magical and modern improvisations on the clarinet and the bass clarinet, all orchestrated and mixed with the sound of the guitar, the piano, the bass and the percussions ; a storm of oriental colors, with jazz influences and a few hints to rock and hip hop.

Biography :
Born in Brest in 1990, Maëla obtained her Musical Diplomas at the Conservatories of Brest, Paris and Brussels. Passionate about chamber music, she plays in various formations at many events and festivals : Origami, Courant d'air (Brussels), Préludes à l'orchestre de Paris (salle Pleyel), Tout sauf Debussy (CRR Paris), Les Harmonies (Billiers), Concerts at the university campus of Paris… Very implicated in the contemporary repertoire, she participates to the creation of Tocatina by Sina Fallazadeh, Heptagramme by Michel Lysight, Umbrales by Alex Nante, D'un Vanneur de Blé aux Vents by Suzanne Giraud… and is invited to play in various formations such as the ensemble Alternance, the ensemble Écoute (directed by Fernando Palomeque), the collective Parallèle 21… She has the chance to play with concertists such as Patrick Langot, Frédéric Lagarde, Carmen and Ana Mainer… She deals with the symphonic repertoire in various formations: the Ensemble entre Sable et ciel, the Ostinato Orchestra, the Orchestre National de Lyon… Curious about all musical worlds, she studied improvisation and jazz with great personalities of Parisian Jazz.

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