
Christian Fabian Trio feat Jason Marsalis and Frank Ponzio Aooearing Wed., March 1st 7PM @ Blues Alley Washington, DC

hristian Fabian Trio
feat Jason Marsalis and Frank Ponzio
Appearing Wed., March 1st 7pm
@ Blues Alley
1073 Wisconsin Ave. NW
Washington, DC 20007

A newly formed trio honoring America's Jazz Legends Ellis Marsalis and Mike Longo.

Bassist Christian Fabian has toured and/or performed with the Lionel Hampton Big Band, Mike Longo, Elvin Jones, Chaka Khan and many others

Pianist Frank Ponzio has toured and/or performed with Joe Beck, David Amram, Vic Juris, Ben Vereen and Aisha Morris, Stevie wonder's daughter as her music director.

Drummer Jason Marsalis of the famous Marsalis family has toured and/or performed with his father Ellis Marsalis and his older brothers, the Marcus Roberts Trio, Snarky Puppy and many others

Don't miss this one night of jazz at its finest.

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