
Trumpeter Dan Miller of The Jazz Professors dies at age 53

We are deeply saddened to announce the loss of trumpeter Dan Miller (over the weekend 19th) of The Jazz Professors. He was such a beloved educator and bandmate, particularly this is felt by the UCF family. Below is a befitting tribute by leader Jeff Rupert of The Jazz Professors, which Dan was a part of. This lasting recording only adds to the legacy Dan achieved in his lifetime.

Naples News Reporting:

From Jeff Rupert:
Impact is a human yearning, and sometimes it is pure. Those of us that new Dan Miller know he opted to make the world a better place through sharing and inspiring the youth of America, and through relentlessly, intensely, and joyously giving to the community. He embodied intrinsic values and he called us all to prayer by action and example, through music . His intellect, encyclopedic knowledge of all things jazz and his soulful nature; these qualities and others fueled his aura, a magnetic and unique persona. He is loved around the world and yet brought capacious knowledge, inspiration and support to the youth of Florida. From Naples, to Orlando Dan gave everything to kids, and kids love him. My son plays trumpet because of Dan. His first lesson he wanted to learn Buber Miley's solo on East St Louis Toodle-oo. Dan modified that normal first lesson to accommodate Preston, who at the end of the week was playing this masterpiece through the lens of ten year old boy yearning to stand on the shoulders of greatness, filled with a desire to be a part of something much greater than himself, American music, specifically the music of Duke Ellington.

Aside from all of his giving to the community, Dan was a son, and brother that all of us would have loved to have. Dan adored his mom, talked with me for hours about Big John, his dad. "Step on it and turn left" is one of the many phrases that I know about (car racing terminology). Dan loved his brother Dave, and talked to me a lot about Dave's family. Dave now lives in my old hometown, Milltown, NJ. Dan cherished his lovely girlfriend Judy. His immediate family and circle of friends are facing an imbalance in life through great loss.

Dan was a valued colleague at UCF, a part of the jazz and brass faculty. Dan taught our jazz trumpet majors, and the freshman jazz seminar, which was essentially the teachings of Barry Harris!

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