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| 'Amoreamaro', the new album of MARIA MAZZOTTA, in the Top10 of international charts of world music Released on January 10th 2020 by Agualoca Records, "Amoreamaro", the new album of Maria Mazzotta, is the only one italian record in the Top10 of international charts of world music for the third month running: fourth of World Music Charts Europe (www.wmce.de) and tenth of Transglobal World Music Chart (https://bit.ly/3aVqbjI). An intense and passionate reflection, from a female point of view, on the various faces of love: from the biggest love to the most desperate and very tender one, and from the type that becomes unhealthy to the one that is possessive and abusive. This is "Amoreamaro" (Bitter Love), the new album by Maria Mazzotta, one of the most emblematic musical personalities of Southern Italy. Previously with the "Canzoniere Grecanico Salentino" band, Mazzotta has gone on to become one of the most appreciated voices on the European world music scene. Ten tracks in all, two of which are unpublished, that fearlessly pass through all the emotions that this feeling can arouse, with the song as a vehicle for catharsis, consolation, strength, and as a "cure", which is so very typical of popular tradition. They range from little ditties to traditional songs rearranged and enriched with new sounds and words, up to the milestones that paved the way of the great Italian song like "Lu pisci Spada" ("The Swordfish") by Domenico Modugno, "Tu non mi piaci piů" ("I Don't Like You Anymore") made successful by Gabriella Ferri, and "Rosa canta e cunta" ("Rosa Sings and Recounts") by the great Sicilian singer-songwriter Rosa Balistreri. But the heart of the album can be found in the two unpublished works sung in the dialect of the Salento area: "Nu me lassare" ("Don't Leave Me"), a painful ballad dedicated to love, an imploring lament to those who no longer exist; and the title track "Amoreamaro" - in the pizzica music style, which is also a dance - there is a rhythm traditionally played for healing the "tarantolate" (women who were supposedly bitten by a tarantula spider which was once thought to cause a form of hysteric behavior) which ideally aims to heal a sick world. Musically speaking, there is Madagascan musician Bruno Galeone leading the way on accordion and piano, with the addition of ethnic drums and percussions by the Iranian Bijan Chemirani (in "Tore Tore Tore") and Andrea Presa on didgeridoo (in "Amoreamaro"). The album will be released on January 10th 2020 on Agualoca Records. The illustration on the cover is an exclusive work by Simone Lomartire. Graphics are by Giulio Rugge. ..."There many reasons to admire singer Maria Mazzotta: for her voice, of course, so brilliant, intimate and dramatic; for her work alongside Canzoniere Grecanico Salentino; for her experimental teaming up with Albanian cellist Redi Hasa and, finally, her latest liaison with the ApulianMalagasy accordionist and pianist Bruno Galeone"... — Songlines (Uk), Ciro De Rosa ..."Cap sur l'amour avec cette vivifiante chanteuse originaire du sud de l'Italie... L'amour conjugué sur tous les tons, vécu dans tous ses détours, ses dérapages, ses exigences et ses folies. L'amour sauvage, ulcéré, tendre ou désespéré"... — Le Monde (France), Patrick Labesse ..."Son nouveau répertoire fait honneur ŕ sa voix magnifique, rodée aux folles transes des Pouilles, comme aux passions balkaniques les plus déchirantes : passionnément romantique, gorgé de mélancolie autant que de folie, il provoque et enivre, aux frontičres de la transe"... — Telerama (France), Anne Berthod ..."Maar Mazzotta's bezwerende muziek overstijgt tevens dat regionale, verzekert Anne-Marie Segers. "Het is alsof al die Italiaanse muziek van eeuwen en eeuwen in haar vertolking zitten. Ze heeft een oude ziel en dat maakt van elk lied van haar een regelrechte senatie met een myriade aan emoties in haar stem"…— Klara (Belgium), Anne-Marie Segers ..."Auch wenn man als Begleitung fast nur Akkordeonklänge des Madegassen Bruno Galeone hört, scheint die emotionale Dichte durch die instrumentale Kargheit eher noch verstärkt zu werden. Dass Maria Mazzotta hier die Heilung unserer kranken Welt beschwört, erfährt im Nachhinein zu Coronazeiten noch eine ganz neue Bedeutung"… — Radio Bremen Zwei (Germany) ..."Maria Mazzotta hangja ideális, erőlködés nélkül, a legnagyobb természetességgel adja elő ezeket a számokat, mintha minden pillanatban átélné az éppen adott érzelmet"... — EKlultura (Hungary), Galgóczi Tamás ..."Ein Folk-Album, das dank der wandlungsfähigen Stimme von Maria Mazzotta, die Leiden und Leidenschaft rund um die Liebe in allen Facetten abbildet"... — Global Sound (Switzerland) …"Сильный голос, очень драматичное исполнение, запоминающиеся мелодии песен – думаю, новый альбом Мазотты должен запомниться любителям world music"... — Jazz Quad (Russia), Leonid Auskern write your comments about the article :: © 2020 Jazz News :: home page |