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| Blues-Rocker Guitarist/Singer AC Myles Releases 'Reconsider Me' Blues-rocker guitarist/singer AC Myles' new studio recording, 'Reconsider Me', groups songs that outline his musical development and his maturing into one of the more valid guitarist and vocalists in the blues arena. Recorded & produced in San Jose, CA. by Kid Andersen at his own Greaseland Studio, the album combines originals and choice covers to tell the roadworthy story of this well traveled and very talented Californian. УPerhaps the only soulful thing to come out of Fresno, AC Myles can play the hell out of a guitar, and he's growing as a songwriterФ - San Jose Metro Editor Steve Palopoli With 'Reconsider Me', Myles very confidently delivers a Уbeyond amazingФ vocal range, as well as his unyielding lead and slide guitar work. The song selections vary from traditional blues to 70's blues-rock overload. With the opening track of the Jimmy Johnson inspired & Fenton Robinson penned УYou Don't Know What Love IsФ, as well as the amazing vocal workout of the title track, Johnny Adams УReconsider MeФ, Myles proves his traditional stylings are up to snuff both vocally and on guitar. The self-penned tracks УThree Ways to FallТТ and the tour de force УLivin' a LieФ showcase fierce rock n roll slide guitar and vocal chops, following right in line with Rory Gallagher's УDo You Read MeФ and the co-written clever southern rocker УCall 'em All BabyФ. Says Myles, У 'Reconsider Me' is the culmination of originals with choice covers that reflect the career & growth. The covers are songs of artists that influenced me and is the first step into something uniquely AC Myles. Most I have had the fortunate to work with while sprouting musically in the SF Bay area and developed relationships with over the last 10 years.Ф Myles spent his later teens and twenties touring with his own band eventually finding his way to the San Francisco Bay Area, playing sideman to a wide array of acts, most notably blues man Fillmore Slim and modern day soul man John Nemeth. Along the way, with a keen ear and sincere passion, A.C. has become a gifted entertainer and musician. His personal appearances have a 'take no prisoners' approach which; along with a healthy dose of humor, usually gets even the toughest audiences on his side. In addition, 'Reconsider Me' features tracks by artists Myles has had the opportunity to share stages with in his career, including Elvin Bishop's УRock my SoulФ, Roman Carter's blues gem УQueen BeeФ, and the Fillmore Slim funk arrangement of the Fats Domino R&B classic УBlue MondayФ. The self-penned УDeath Bed BluesФ, which has a darker lyrical output and showcases his grasp and retention of blues traditions, while УWhat Is LoveФ, a cover of OaklandТs blues/mod/soul kings The Loved Ones, is an ode to the region of California that became adopted home territory for Myles and sprouted his musical growth and career. Says Myles, УThe album was recorded live in two days (sans a few keyboard and vocal overdubs) at Greaseland Studio headed by Kid Andersen in San Jose, CA. Very little was written 'for the album' as opposed to reaching into the vault and pulling from near dormant ideas. It was rewarding to complete them as well as some of our favorite live covers. Once the pre production demos were complete and we worked the kinks out we went in and cut the record.Ф In support of 'Reconsider Me', AC Myles and his band have been touring throughout the summer with record release parties held in his home state of California in Los Angeles, San Francisco and Central California. Also added to AC's official website is some great looking and sounding video of the live band. Festivals and club dates, as well as support to other acts, for 2015 for U.S. & Europe are currently being booked. AC also has begun to write the next untitled album, which should be ready for summer 2015 as well. write your comments about the article :: © 2014 Jazz News :: home page |