Neil Holyoak - "Rags Across the Sun"
Neil Holyoak - "Rags Across the Sun"(Epitonic Records).Promo Territories: UK, Germany, France, Benelux, Italy. Release Date: September 9 2014. Neil Holyoak is a Canadian-American musician, based in Montreal, originally from Los Angeles. His recent songwriting is influenced by Townes Van Zandt, French symbolist poetry, and the acoustic blues music of Mali. Lately he has been playing surrealist country songs with a band consisting of Tamara Sandor (bass and voice), Lewis Handford (drums), Michael Begin (pedal steel), and occasionally solo songs backed up by Tamara on vocals.
So far, he has released four albums: All These Mountains Look the Same in 2006, Holy Oak (self-titled) in 2008, Better Lions in 2010, and Silver Boys in 2013...
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