JazzClub.Lviv Hosts Knyaz Mishkin (Belarus)
12 July 2013, 8:00 pm, the Kvartyra 35 art café ( Dzyga Gallery, II floor, 35 Virmenska St, Lviv), The JazzClub.Lviv presents: Knyaz Mishkin intuitive improvisation group from the city of Minsk (Belarus). The KM will be joined by the renowned Ukrainian saxophonist Yuriy Yaremchuk and by the Jazz.Club.Lviv members. The Belorussian Knyas Mishkin intuitive improvisation group, headed by Leonid Narushevich, has existed since 1991. The discography of the group includes about three dozen albums, studio and live (knyazmishkin.narod.ru). Entries were issued on various labels: Wood Records (USA), Geometria, Acatzia, Jajcekletka (Russia), Kovcheg (Belarus), etc
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