
AndrewVictoria Gaining Singer/songwriting Recognition

In 2006, Canadian singer/songwriter, Victoria Boland, teamed up with Australian songwriter/guitarist and producer, Andrew Rudd. Between entertaining professionally both domestically and abroad, they wrote and produced their first 5-song EP, self-titled "AndrewVictoria" and released it in October 2010.
In a rock/blues/pop vein, the resulting songs are lyrically rich, melodically complex and beautifully arranged by Andrew. Victoria's vocals have the power, beauty and excellence of current chart-topping artist, Adele. Many more songs are already in the works and acoustic performances of both the EP and some of the upcoming originals can be viewed on AndrewVictoria's site at YouTube:
Promotional efforts to date have garnered this talented duo recognition from 2 different organizations. In February 2011, AndrewVictoria won "Song of the Month" at Songwriter's Universe for their song "It's Not Over".
In March 2011, AndrewVictoria were selected to perform at the upcoming "Clash of the Artists" show in Tribeca NY on May 14, 2011, when their song submissions earned them first runner up status. The judge of the "Art for Progress" contest had this to say about AndrewVictoria's songs:
"Now this is old fashioned conventional songwriting, and what's more, it's damn good. I liked "Hurry Home" but "Spontaneously Combust" wins hands down."
This is a promising start to AndrewVictoria's singer/songwriter and performing duo aspirations. Their goal is to create more award-winning songs over 2011, along with attracting the eyes and ears of music industry professionals.

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