
Without Divas, The World Is A Big Mistake!

by Shoshanna Rosenstein, Syndicated Columnist

The whole world loves divas. "Without divas, the world is a big mistake" said Maximillien de Lafayette, and he is right. "Just imagine a world without music and scented Jazz, Opera and Cabaret female singers?" added Lafayette. Well, he is now putting the final touches on a new book solely dedicated to the divas from the 1700s to modern times.

He spent 7 years collecting stories, data, facts and behind the scenes tales about fascinating female artists who mesmerized us on the silver screen, on stage, in cabaret and jazz venues, ritzy concerts halls, and 3rd rate joints. Lafayette lived in a world of magic, the world of music and entertainment since a very young age. He knew personally many of the legends of the era, the femmes fatales and divas who magnetized us, shocked us, inspired us and "made us mock destiny" as he said. In Paris, at the age of 12, he met legendary women like Marlene Dietrich, Zarah Leander, Simone Signoret, Michele Morgan. They were friends of the family. Later on in life, he began to interview them and write about their lives and times. He dashed dozens of books on all sorts of divas, from the most captivating ones to the luckiest and most boring ones. Yet, and always, he revealed hidden aspects of those femmes fatales of the stage and cinema, never explored before or talked about.

His new book "Bona Fide Divas and Femmes Fatales: The 700 official ones" is an intriguing and fascinating work. It includes thousands of names, but the emphasis is placed upon the 700 leading divas and femmes fatales in motion pictures, Jazz, Cabaret, music and showbiz, starting with the queens of the silent film era and ending with today's "hustling divas." In an unusual style, the author established several categories of divas and dared to rate them. The list was compiled by the author himself. However, more than 30 writers contributed to his enormous efforts. But this is not the end of the charade. The public played a major role in recommending and selecting divas of all kinds and types.
Did I say types? "Of course, explained de Lafayette. Mae West and Maria Callas are not in the same category. Rita Hayworth and Simone Signoret do not dine together. And Edith Piaf does not go shopping with Britney Spears."


How about today's divas? Who are they? Lafayette listed the most authentic ones., and wrote in depth and at large about the leading figures in contemporary Jazz, American Standards and Cabaret. "Don't let the critics and publicists fool you, they often use the word "Diva" without responsibility. To be or become a diva, you have to pay your dues and come up with that splashing aura...and create an unforgettable style. And this includes the basic and silliest details, starting with your wardrobe, the words you choose when you talk, the way you walk, the timber of your voice on and off stage, and the persona continues with your immediate impact on the masses and your originality. How many are "ORIGINAL" nowadays? Few. And this goes to motion pictures and theater artists" explained the author in his book.


Another fascinating chapter deals with the luck and fate of talented artists who did not make it in showbiz. Lafayette explained the reasons. "They are so many factors and reasons for the ascension and fame of a star. Also, there are zillions of reasons for the failure and bitter end of a star." Lafayette gave 25 reasons for success and 30 reasons for failure. He dissected each phase of the up and down in the career of a star and provided valuable advice on how to avoid "things and stuff" that prevent or halt fame, success and fortune. You got to read the book. Whether if you are diva in the making, a big name in showbiz, a newcomer to the scene, or simply a talented and struggling artist who just released a debut CD, you need to read this book. It is informative, powerful, fun and extremely useful. The book is published by Times Square Press and the Federation of American Musicians, Singers and Performing Artists (FAMSPA) in collaboration with Cabaret Ville Magazine, La Femme Magazine, World Art Celebrities Journal and distributed by Elite Associates. It shall be made available worldwide by mid February 2008. will take the lead in selling and shipping the book.


Carol Lexter, an associate editor said: "The cover is a statement, a global evidence of admiration and respect for the talent of an artist. If you are on the cover of a glossy magazine, your friends tend to believe that you made it...but if you appear on the front cover of a major book on showbiz, then the whole world would say YOU ARE SOMEBODY! You are the BEST!" So, who is going to grace the front cover. Lexter would not tell. However, we already know that Marlene Dietrich. Mahalia Jackson, Edith Piaf, Rita Hayworth and Maria Callas are on the back cover. Lexter said: "We are still debating the issue of the front cover. We have a list of recommended artists. We will know soon and will announce the name of the star...the lucky one, in a press conference."

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