Bill McBirnie's "Paco Paco" nominated as Album Of The Year
Canadian Jazz Flutist Bill McBirnie has recently achieved substantial recognition in both the jazz and classical realms. Bill's recent release, "Paco Paco" (featuring Bernie Senensky, Neil Swainson and John Sumner), was nominated as Album Of The Year at the 2006 National Jazz Awards. It also landed a spot in US syndicated jazz DJ Bob Parlocha's "Top 40 New Releases" over the past November, December and January. In addition, Bob Parlocha continues to spin tracks from Bill's preceding album, "Nature Boy" (featuring Mark Eisenman & The Trio).
The Winter 2006 edition of The Flutist Quarterly (the journal of the NFA) ran a feature article submitted by Bill regarding "Playing Flute in Non-Classical Environments". (The National Flute Association is an international flute organization based in the USA and is the largest instrumental body of its kind with approximately 6, 000 members from 50 countries around the world.)
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