
From pizza maker to host of the Worlds longest jams.

When pizza maker musician and songwriter Chris Boulet had an idea to take some of his friends and record an improvisational jam so he could use the recordings to produce a CD “Monkey with a Thumb” he had no idea it would lead to very successful jams of 14 hours, 33 1/3 hours and 45 hours.

All of theml held in his town of Padua Italy and would draw the likes of some of the worlds best musicians like Tony Levin, Pat Mastelotto, Willie Oteri and world class producer musicians Ronan Chris Murphy and Cookie Marenco, jazz trumpeter John Capabianco and Italian sax master Meteo Pescorolo just to name a few.. There is talk of sax man Gary Hassay taking part but as yet is not confirmed. At 33 1/3, 45 and now 45B-Side all the non-stop music is totally improvised. Rotating musicians from many genres and countries take part creating music on the spot and continue for 45 plus hours.

The promoters are hoping to draw more jazz to the events but this may need to be done outside of Italy and there is talk of a show in New Orleans when possible. While the shows in Italy have a strong amount of jazz players from the EU few American players of name have taken part perhaps due to the fact that this is true improvisation and not just soloing over a standard and the many steps of Italian bureaucracy which makes it difficult for musicians to book on a short notice. Let’s hope for many more of these events in many parts of the world and for many musicians to take part.

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