James O'Malley :: I'm Ready by Earnest Woodall
James O'Malley is a sophisticated singer/songwriter whose verbal skills, detached but enchanting delivery, stirring wit and storytelling skills ranked him among the best of his genre. The sound of this CD is of softly sculpted silvery guitar sounds with engaging airy vocals. O'Malley philosophical, quiet, but confident approach could open the door for a new generation of singer-songwriters, just as Norah Jones open the door of soft jazz sounds to a pop audience. When I first discovered this album earlier this year, it was during a particularly tumultuous (yet poignant and memorable) period in my life, and every time I pull out this CD the songs just hit me right in the gut and flood me with memories. Whatever mood you happen to be in, at least one of "I'm Ready" tracks has you covered. From sweet to bittersweet James O'Malley will break your heart or make you smile from ear to ear and everything in between. What a joyous discovery this CD is. I truly hope that he continues to write and give us all more wonderful, unique, and intriguing bits of music for many, many years to come. published 17.04.2005© 2005 jazz news :: home page