
Solve IT With Science Issues ReallyEasyReader

Solve IT With Science has launched ReallyEasyReader, with versions available for both executives and students. The product, which comes on a USB pen, increases electronic document reading speeds by up to 300%.

At the heart of the technology is the software's ability to eliminate sub vocalisation, a human trait where you hear your own voice as you read. This greatly limits the speed at which information is absorbed when reading. To achieve this, ReallyEasyReader utilises Rapid Serial Visual Presentation, which displays the words either one at a time or in a Tick-a-Tape format. These approaches have been shown to boost the reading speeds of most individuals to over 600 words per minute.

A "Speed Start" feature can train the eye, at the beginning of each reading session, to ensure that the best speeds are reached with maximum focus and concentration. The software also ensures that the eye receives the right signals to recognise breaks and changes in the text.

The software also allows readers to bookmark key text as they read, allowing them to return to it later, if required. Users can also switch between ReallyEasyReader and a full text view to see the text in its full context or to review their bookmarks.

Whilst full tutorials are included, Solve IT With Science claims that ReallyEasyReader takes only minutes to master, requires no training and has no learning curve. Once users see the benefits, the belief barrier is broken and the confidence to speed read is immediately on tap.

Users simply load Text, RTF, URLs, PDF, Word and PDF documents directly or there is the option to copy and paste. Text size, fonts and background colour can also be easily customised to suit the reader.

Both executive and student versions, which are available for Windows, Mac or Linux, also include the full text of over 550 classic books including by Aristotle, Descartes, Dickens, Sun Tzu and Roosevelt. Also included is XMind the award-winning, open source, mind mapping tool. This helps build notes and write document plans, once the actual reading is completed.

The executive version comes with an open source, task management tool, ideal for following GTD or "Getting Things Done" methodologies. The Windows version of the student version comes with Study Minder, an ideal tool for any student, allowing them to manage their time and keep on top of their homework, essays and assignments with ease.

There is also 2 GB of flash storage on the pen for users to store their information, presentations or homework. The USB pen also includes a highly visible laser pointer for presentations and a LED torch.

Beyond the executive and student focus of the products, initial trials of ReallyEasyReader have shown significant benefits for those suffering from Colour Blindness, Dyslexia, ADD and ADHD. It has also helped those who are visually impaired, allowing them to read using the program without the need for glasses.

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