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| Docudesk Announces Launch of deskUNPDF for Mac Docudesk has announced the launch of deskUNPDF Professional for Mac. deskUNPDF for Mac will provide users with innovative functionality and conversion formats to address a wide array of PDF document conversion needs on both Intel and PowerPC OS X systems. deskUNPDF for Mac is a solution for converting, transforming, and automating PDF workflow. The application utilizes industry-leading technology for converting PDF's to multiple output formats for editing, business-grade table-detection that enables extracting table information into Microsoft Excel (.xls), and batch conversion, making deskUNPDF an indispensible tool for working with PDF's. The output formats support conversion for document, web, image, and data-based needs. Supported document-based formats include the Open Document Format (.ODT) and Excel (.XLS). Supported data-based formats include Comma Seperated Values (.CSV) and Extensibile Markup Language (.XML). Supported web-based formats include Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML), Extensible HyperText Markup Language (.xHTML), and Scalable Vector Graphics (.SVG). Supported image-based formats include Bitmap (.BMP), Portable Network Graphics (.PNG), Tagged Image File Format (.TIF or .TIFF) and Joint Photographic Experts Group (.JPEG). With enhanced Accu-Text rendering technology, deskUNPDF Pro for Mac provides a faithful reproduction regardless of the chosen output format. When to Use deskUNPDF Professional for Mac: - Converting PDF's to Word for editing; - Migrating PDF's to the Open Document standard; - Extracting numeric PDF table data into Microsoft Excel format; - Converting PDF's for web-ready viewing in .HTML; - Performing batch PDF conversions; - Changing font type, size, or color; - Converting PDF content to data-friendly XML or CSV. write your comments about the article :: © 2008 Computing News :: home page |