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| NeoPath Networks' Network File Management Solution NeoPath Networks announced that File Director, its flagship offering, has earned the strong endorsement of the Taneja Group, a technology analyst firm specializing in storage technologies. The firm conducted a comprehensive evaluation of the File Director's network-attached storage (NAS) tiering and migration capabilities, the results of which are in a report released and available athttp://www.neopathnetworks.com/taneja_fdreview.pdf The industry's most advanced NFM (network file management) solution designed for tiered storage environments, File Director enables organizations to reduce their operational and administrative costs, improve capacity utilization, and accelerate the return on their IT investment. According to the Taneja Group report, network file management as an approach to NAS virtualization is gaining a high degree of market attention, and understanding NFM is the key to significantly improved NAS management for a wide range of medium and large enterprises. The Taneja Group thoroughly tested the migration capabilities of File Director in a heterogeneous storage environment. File Director provided fast, low-latency operations for all of the testing scenarios, leading the firm to conclude that "the NeoPath offering is ideally suited for enterprises exploring new solutions to perennial NAS migration and tiering challenges". write your comments about the article :: © 2005 Computing News :: home page |