
Giovanni Dal Monte | Anestetico V1 & V2

Anestetico V1 & V2 is the new double album by Italian composer Giovanni Dal Monte. It is being released today, June 3, via Italian label SonicaBotanica.

With the times we are going through, it is now clear that the existence of humanity and the entire planet are linked by a thread. Empathy and compassion are the emotions that humanity and the individual must develop. "Anestetico" (Anesthetic) as an aid, to anesthetize the wounds of the body and mind.

"Anestetico" is divided into two volumes:
Volume 1 is "Neolitico", a new stone age, the age we seem to be living in. And they are stronger, sharper sounds, rhythmic and even danceable. Sometimes tribal.

Volume 2 is "Evitico", from the mother of humanity in the Judeo-Christian tradition, the one who gives birth to life. And they are sweeter, poetic and meditative sounds.

"Anestetico" not only reports the brutality of the times, but also indicates a possible cure. And playing with the word anesthetic/an-aesthetics, I imagine stripping myself of any definite aesthetics, as if stripping myself of any prejudice or ideology. In the sense that I play with sounds and I paint soundscapes with no orthodoxy in the approach. With a strong dose of humour.

The work stems from a series of improvisations that I made with various methods, from the use of modular synths and groove machines to generative music. I then grouped these recordings and edited them according to a direction that set them to a song form.

This song form is to avoid losing myself as well as the listener in long sequences where the action would develop in too long time, taking care of the details of sounds and events. However, I let all the parts retain their imperfections, given their improvisational nature and their (semi) automatic genesis.
— Giovanni Dal Monte

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