
The Seventh Annual “Night of A Thousand Judys”Pride Concert Honoring Judy Garland: Will Friedwald's New York Nite Life

The Seventh Annual
"Night of A Thousand Judys"
Pride Concert Honoring Judy Garland
And the 50Th Anniversary
of The Stonewall Riots

You may have a certain idea in your head about who Judy Garland was, and what she represents, but, as this always-brilliant annual tribute concert consistently shows, true believers in Judy-ism know that Garland the Great was all things to all people. The diversity of her legacy and her followers ranges from Broadway's Christine Andreas, who may possess quite the loveliest voice in all of musical theater, to such downtown divas as alt cabaret headliner Molly Pope and Amber Martin (the latter being alt cabaret, alt country, and pretty much everything that can be alt-ed). As great as the musical performances always are, the best reason to shell out for this event - other than because the funds are all going to a very worthy cause (to help LGBTQ homeless youth) - is the presence of the evening's emcee and interlocutor, the sparkling and effervescent Justin Sayre, that rare host who's just as entertaining as the acts he introduces.

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