
Black, NeoSoul, Jazz Spoken Word by Tia Stewart, Poet and Novelist

"Noir Black" is about a man and a woman whom seem to communicate in two different languages and who must deal with everyday struggles while seeking to maintain a healthy loving relationship.

We often put on a mask and pretend that everything is okay. African-American men must be "men of steel" and super heroes like Superman to deal with all the responsibilities of multi-generational families.

African-American women often portray a stern exterior and only show the fragilities of their human heart with their beloved and betrothed.

Noir Black
Tread softly on my heart.
Don't be mislead by my armor of steel.
I am daughter, mother, and sister.

It is a façade that I keep up to survive.
She whispered.

Death comes to those who appear too soft.
Death of the young eager heart.
Death of the young mother who hopes.
Death for the dreams for her young.
Death of the child-like admiration that her heart holds for him.

Tread softly on my heart.
The armor protects the heart, the mind and the man.
The heart that protects the offspring.
I am son, father, and brother
He whispered.
The armor that protects the child of the offspring.
The multigenerational mind that protects and shelters.
He comes for the weak.

Tread softly on my heart,
They said in unison.
Two minds mold into one heart.
Strong and malleable.
Not timid but Herculean.
Formidable, as steel.
Man of steel.

Tread softly on my heart.
Tread lightly in the paths of those that
Came before you.

Tread a path of your own.
Tread softly on this heart.
I am your reflection.

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