
Punkt Festival celebrates two decades of innovation and collaboration

Punkt Festival — founded by Jan Bang and Erik Honoré — a beacon of innovative music and the Live Remix concept, is thrilled to announce its 20th edition, taking place between 5 – 7 September 2024.

Carving a unique niche in the music world, Punkt blends performances with real-time remixes, a concept that has drawn international acclaim. This year, Punkt is proud to celebrate artist-in-residence Nils Petter Molvćr’s ground-breaking ECM album Khmer. The programme also includes the Eyolf Dale Trio and Julien Desprez's Abacaxi, the premiere of commissioned works by Michaela Antalová and the duo Propan (Natali Garner / Ina Sagstuen), emphasising the festival's commitment to nurturing innovative music and young talent.

The Live Remixes, a hallmark of the Punkt experience, will transform the festival into a live laboratory of sound, reimagined by participating artists in real-time, and the Punkt Seminar, curated by David Toop, promises to be a gathering of minds exploring the intersections of music, technology and art.

For the full lineup and additional information about Punkt 2024, please visit Punkt's website.
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